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home page of Alan Ng
(click to e-mail me)

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Places I think you should check out:

A home page is a nicely postmodern self-representation using floating signifiers . . .
. . . and you, Reader, construct its meaning . . .

And then, here's some hypertext about me in marketing-speak (which dominates the Web, in case you hadn't noticed), essentially saying, "you can currently buy my time in the following ways":

    as Irish traditional musician
    read more about hiring me to play music
  • I'm available to play Irish trad music for all sorts of occasions (weddings, dances, festivals, etc.). Listen to some sample music. I can also assemble duets/trios of various Irish instrument combinations upon request. Contact me via e-mail, please, at alan@alan-ng.nospam (replace nospam with net).
  • West Wind: intense contemporary Irish traditional
  • As private teacher of fiddle, melodeon, and bodhrán. Contact me at 608/255-3996 or alan@alan-ng.nospam.
    as techie
    read more about me and technology
  • I've been employed part-time since 1998 as the guru for the online courses offered by the Department of Liberal Studies & the Arts in the Continuing Studies division of UW-Madison.
  • Sometimes I do side business as InterEdge (English-Dutch-GErman or Englisch-Deutsch-German-English or English-Deutsch-GaeilgE or English-Damned-Good-English), which might be anything from technical translation to Web design, print layout, database consulting, or programming. Read more about me and technology.
    read more about me and technology
    as scholar
    read more about me and literature
  • I just happen to have a PhD in German literature, too. But other than my students in my Independent Learning courses, nobody ever wants to buy knowledge or skills in that field . . .

Schon Karl Marx wußte es: "Die Bourgeoisie kann nicht existieren, ohne die Produktioninstrumente, also die Produktionsverhältnisse, also sämtliche gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse fortwährend zu revolutionieren." (Manifest der kommunistischen Partei) D.h., steig' bald in den Web hinein, bevor auch dieser Markt erschöpft ist! Auch ich bin ein braver Kapitalist!

Tja, so weit ist es gekommen mit den Germanisten in Madison. In den 70er Jahren streng kommunistisch, in den 90er Jahren streng pessimistisch. So ging's auch zu in meinem vorigen ex-revolutionären Heimat, Berkeley: radikale Hippies ersäuften unter eine Flut von Ingenieurtum. Wo findet man nur noch eine Utopie?! ;)

. . . hier steh' ich nun, armer Tor, und bin so klug als wie . . . bevor ich Derrida, Johann W. G., und Plato las.

Ich hoffe, man wird also einsehen, warum die Flucht in die real existierende Musik immer im Hintergrund dasteht. (Ja, früher spielte ich bloß Bach & Co . . .)

Anyway, if you want to see and hear more of Liz Carroll's wonderful tune, read about the background image.

Please note that this home page does not depend on massive visual and network overload, unlike many other television-quality (!) home pages out there.

Still reading? Have you read the "Other stuff about me" section yet?

Baustelle Hier befindest du dich stets in einer Baustelle. Nicht nur poststrukturalistisch gemeint.